Monday, November 23, 2009


Farabee, M.J. (2001). Biological diversity: protists: stem eukaryotes. Retrieved November 22,2009, from

Hayden, F.V. (1879). Figure 12, Centropyxi aculeate (Plate XXXI) In, Fresh water rhizopods of North America. Washington:

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Nov 23 2009).ITIS Report for, Pelomyxa palustris Greef . Taxonomic Serial No.: 43899.

Patterson, D.J. (1992) Figure 6, Pinnularia (pp. 25) In, Free living freshwater protozoa.

Patterson, D.J. (1992) Figure 7, Tabellaria (pp. 25) In, Free living freshwater protozoa. Washington D.C.: Manson Publishing.

Patterson, D.J. (1996) Figure 263, Oxytricha (pp. 125) In, Free living freshwater protozoa: a colour guide. London: Manson Publishing Ltd.

Patterson, D.J. (1996) Figure 264, Tachyosoma (pp. 125) In, Free living freshwater protozoa: a colour guide. London: Manson Publishing Ltd.

Pelomyxa [Internet]. [Updated 2009 Oct. 16] BioPedia. Retrieved November 22, 2009, from

Smith, Douglas G. (2001) Figure 7.35, Lecane (pp. 172-173) In, Pennak’s freshwater invertebrates of the United States. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Ward, Henrey Baldwin. (1918). Figure 275, Amoeboid protozoa (pp. 219) In, Fresh water biology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 5

This week the plant growth had pretty much covered the entire area of the micro aquarium. I saw several square shaped organisms that could possibly be tabellaria. I also saw what appeared to be a bunch of pinnularia, a type of rod shaped diatom. There was also some sort of slow moving snail like creature. It appeared to have a shell and inched its way along the aquarium.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 4

I saw much more algae growth today.

I saw a volvox swimming slowly around eating. They are called lecane, however there are too many various species to classify it exactly.

Inside of some of the bigger plant cells or growths there were large colonies of what appeared to be young euglenoids. I couldn't tell for sure what they were because the microscope could not go to a higher power to view them in more detail.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 3

I saw a giant oxytricha eating and moving very slowly. It is swimming around with several smaller and faster tachyosoma.

There was a big green object that had spikes coming off of it. It appears to be a centropyxis aculeata.

There was a slow moving amoeboid protozoa of the pelomyxa species.